Bomb Jürgen has been placed in a splendid room of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau in Dresden (Germany). Since bomb Jürgen is only a little 3D bomb, in the first place, he was intimidated by the space, the strange spectacles taking place there and the deliberate disregard by his bomb host. But we are sure he will soon become a huge fan of strange spectacles.
Bomb Jürgen (LAT51.1137460_LON13.7531460)
Bomb Horst (LAT50.1408190_LON08.6819300)
Bomb Horst has found a nice home at 16 Bundenweg, Frankfurt (Germany). There he is confidently waiting to be discovered. For he is sure: One day it will happen! And it will be fantastic!
Bomb Heike (LAT53.0790700_LON08.8331210)
Bomb Heike was placed in a dwelling house in the peaceful Graf-Moltke-Straße (number 27) in Bremen (Germany). Now she is trying hard to attract some attention. Good luck, Heike!
Bomb Ilona (LAT53.5450930_LON09.9870120)
Bomb Ilona has been placed in the premises of the lucky Trendbüro, Hohe Brücke 1, Hamburg (Germany). Since we haven’t got any answer from the bomb host working there, it is to be feared that Ilona gets harshly ignored by him. We are afraid this is not very nice for poor Ilona.
Bomb Stefan (LAT53.0721710_LON08.8148000)
The little bomb Stefan has been placed in an exceptional nice building in Bremen (Germany), the so-called Villa Ichon at 4 Goetheplatz where the Literaturhaus Bremen resides. Because it is so lovely there, bomb Stefan is partying day and night even if no one cares for him.
We will start placing bombs by the end of October
13 more 3D-bombs are ready to be postioned.
Bomb Veronique (LAT52.5466310_LON13.4175490)
Bomb Veronique has been placed in a dwelling house at Stargarder Straße 13, Berlin, Germany. There, her bomb host lives on the fourth floor. Since the host is the artist herself and bomb Veronique was the first bomb she ever placed, Veronique found an extra warm welcome. Her detonator gets regularly introduced to visitors and guests. We hope bomb Veronique is doing fine.
“With my smartphone, I showed a friend of mine a really huge alien commander hovering in the augmented reality of her bedroom. She didn’t like it and demanded: Delete it! Immediately! I know for sure this thing will bring b a d k a r m a ! When I told her that I couldn’t delete her new roommate, she was quite scandalized. The same happened with other friends.
The least thing I could do was to give my friends some hope. Hope that one day they will be able to bomb away all disgusting household aliens - with 3d bombs I will invent. And the best thing is: You can already o r d e r s u c h a b o m b h e r e . And the second best thing is: As soon as technically possible it will really work.” SUSANNE BERKENHEGER