\\\\\\ It’s free. It’s convenient. It’s unique. \\\\\\
W e l c o m e t o o u r b o m b o r d e r f o r m !
We are very happy to be able to offer a wide range of bombs and clickable detonators. Of course, they all look the same at first sight. But if you go a little deeper into the matter, you will notice that each one is unique in size, position and angle rotation. Each single one is a work of art, made and rotated by hand, using noble materials such as hand-typed PHP files.
Pleae have a look at some of our detonators in their natural surroundings:
- Bomb on the Top
- Welcome Bomb
- Bomb at Sunset
- Bomb on the Wall
- Big Bomb
- Bomb on Balcony
“With my smartphone, I showed a friend of mine a really huge alien commander hovering in the augmented reality of her bedroom. She didn’t like it and demanded: Delete it! Immediately! I know for sure this thing will bring bad karma!” When I told her that I couldn’t delete her new roommate, she was quite scandalized. The same happened with other friends.
The least thing I could do was to give my friends some hope. Hope that one day they will be able to bomb away all disgusting household aliens - with 3d bombs I will invent. And the best thing is: You can already order such a bomb here. And the second best thing is: As soon as technically possible it will really work.” SUSANNE BERKENHEGER
D o n ‘ t h e s i t a t e ! G e t y o u r b o m b !
For those who haven’t got the time to order their own bomb Augmented Bombings regularly places bombs all over the world at its own responsiblity. We try to inform all affected people about upcoming bomb placements in their flats or offices (see sample letter at the website download section).