Augmented Bombings » 2011 » October
October 28th, 2011

Bomb Heidi (LAT50.7481660_LON07.0964450)

          Bomb Heidi has been positioned at the office of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, 30 Husarenstraße, Bonn (Germany). Bomb Heidi takes her duty seriously. One day she will bomb away a lot of sensible data.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Tanja (LAT52.5065860_LON13.3915600)

          Bomb Tanja has been postioned in the offices of the german daily newspaper die tageszeitung (taz), 23 Rudi-Dutschke-Straße, Berlin (Germany). Fortunately Bomb Tanja was created with a strong predilection for heavy discussions.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Britta (LAT52.5368020_LON13.3798390)

          With great expectations bomb Britta was placed at the headquarters of the young political party The Pirates, 9a Pflugstraße, Berlin (Germany). Bomb Britta was sure: My bomb host will be proud of me. It remains to be seen when this will happen.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Xenia (LAT48.7899840_LON09.1975130)

          Bomb Xenia has been placed in the studio of the Free Radio for Stuttgart in Stuttgart (Germany), 24 Rieckestraße. Her bomb host carefully hides some overexuberant feelings for bomb Xenia. That’s why bomb Xenia still doesn’t know anything about.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Günther (LAT47.551393_LON07.587899)

          Bomb Günther has been placed at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern, Switzerland, Academy of Art and Design, Institute for Research in Art and Design, 30 Steinentorstrasse, Basel (Switzerland). Probably bomb Günther will never be able to know his address by heart.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Helge (LAT52.5286510_LON13.3793100)

          Bomb Helge, an extraordinary robust 3D bomb, was placed at the headquarters of Alliance ‘90/The Greens, 1 Platz vor dem Neuen Tor, Berlin (Germany). Helge has an absurd dream: He wants to join the election campaign 2013.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Kurt (LAT48.7744410_LON09.1510260)

          Bomb Kurt was positioned in an old dwelling house at 35 Arndtstraße, Stuttgart (Germany). As fas as we know his bomb host has’nt got any smartphones, so poor bomb Kurt is feeling horribly neglected, sometimes even discriminated. For now, bomb Kurt has no choice but to hope for technological progress at 35 Arndtstraße.

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October 28th, 2011

Bomb Jürgen (LAT51.1137460_LON13.7531460)

          Bomb Jürgen has been placed in a splendid room of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau in Dresden (Germany). Since bomb Jürgen is only a little 3D bomb, in the first place, he was intimidated by the space, the strange spectacles taking place there and the deliberate disregard by his bomb host. But we are sure he will soon become a huge fan of strange spectacles.

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